Category Archives: News

CoAGG Statement of Support for Armenian Community

To Our Armenian Community: The Coalition Against Global Genocide was terribly saddened to hear that the Khachkar Memorial located at the Colorado State Capitol was vandalized with spray paint during the recent protests in downtown Denver. This Memorial commemorates the Armenian Genocide and victims of all crimes against humanity. We recognize and support the peaceful […]

Statement from the CoAGG Board Regarding the Negative Treatment of Asian Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis

The mission statement of the Coalition Against Global Genocide (CoAGG) includes the phrase “crimes against humanity” because there are many evils in the world that are not specifically genocide related. The current xenophobia, discrimination and polarization against people of Asian heritage, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in our country, has inspired us to call out […]

Executive Order on Refugee Bans Is a Step We Dare Not Accept

The Colorado Coalition for Genocide and Awareness and Action Has Issued the Following Statement: Executive Order on Refugee Bans Is a Step We Dare Not Accept The Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness and Action (CCGAA) considers President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order 13769, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” to […]

Bioethics Stand

SUPPORT FOR THE STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE TO REQUEST A HALT OF THE DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE EASEMENT TO DRILL UNDER LAKE OAHE Whereas: We, the Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness & Action, who’s mission is to challenge our society to end complacency towards and raise awareness of genocides past and present, and take action to […]