READING LIST on Native People Nov.2020
Speakers BurEAU
Helen Achol Abyei
David Akerson
Ahmed Ali
Pa’gan Amun Okiech
K. Nicole Asarch
Tamara Banks
Leah Bassoff
Karen Z. Brass
Paula Burger
Eric Cahn
Louis X. (Kip) Cheroutes
Barbara Coloroso
Omhagain Dayeen
Alicia Fall
Chantal Furaha
Arok Garang
Arthur Gilbert
Anahid Katchian
Tim Kubik
Jerry Lassos
Mac & Simone Leng
Simon Maghakyan
Estelle Nadel
Slavica Park
David Shneer
Osi Sladek
Mark Thorsen
George Tuto
Peter Van Arsdale
King Viteron
Lawrence Wongo
SUBJECT or AREA of PURPOSE for Speaking
S.Sudan & Sudanese Rights; Poet
Former Prosecutor for ICTY & ICTR; Educator
Darfuri refugee, Processes of peace, war & genocide
S.Sudan Leader,Human rights, politics, economic development
E,Africa; Social impact, economic development
Journalist, Producer of documentaries Darfur and Sudan Slave trade
Co-Author: Lost Girl Found (S. Sudan)
2nd gen.Holocaust survivor/ “Standupster”
Holocaust Survivor; “Defiance”
Holocaust Survivor
Political Action; Congressional and media engagement
Teacher, Author; Bullying and genocide in psycho-social context
Darfuri refugee; educator, Women’s and children’s rights
Native American and Caribbean specialist (Haiti)
Rwanda genocide survivor, educator
Sudanese “Lost Boy”; Human rights
History educator,Rwanda, political and psychological issues
Armenian history, and international relations
Political, ethical and cultural dimensions of genocide
Genocide, Historical trauma of native Americans
Cambodian survivors; Counseling and outreach
Armenian educator; State Capital tour desk
Holocaust specialist
Bosnian survivor; Cultural, educational and political issues
Genocide, human rights and religious impacts
Holocaust specialist
Colorado Holocaust educator
Sudan; Nuba mountains genocide
East African, S.East Asian & Balkans human rights issues
Congo survivor; Economic, cultural and human rights issues
South Sudan specialist
To Schedule a Speaker, email Peter Van Arsdale: